

Voici un communiqué de presse de la Fox que je viens de trouver parmi mes courriels. Ce sont, hum!, les choix pour la soirée des Oscars de Homer Simpson. qui sera la vedette de The Simpsons Movie, dont la sortie est prévue cet été.

BEST PICTURE: "Little Miss Sunshine." I just love the idea of a family where the son can't talk and the grandfather dies. The feel-good hit of the year!

BEST ACTOR: Forest Whitaker -"The Last King of Scotland." He didn't just chew the scenery, he ate the cast.

BEST ACTRESS: I pick the only one of these ladies who's a true American-Penelope Cruz.

BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Mark Wahlberg. I love how at the end of the movie he kills Matt Damon. Whoops, I gave it away.

BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Sharon Stone-"Basic Instinct II." Write it in, people.

OUTSTANDING ANIMATED FILM: "The Simpsons Movie." "Cars" has talking cars, but we have talking people.

BEST SONG: How can you go against the most crowd-pleasing musical ever: "An Inconvenient Truth."

BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE: "Jesus Camp." I always wanted to know what Jesus's last name was.

BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT SUBJECT: Who cares? Get off my awards show. I want more close-ups of Jack Nicholson laughing.

MOST UNBELIEVABLE SNUB: "Dreamgirls." I can't believe this wasn't up for Best Picture – especially after Eddie Murphy played the parts of all the girls. The only thing missing was the flatulent, foul-mouthed Granny. Thank God there was a great one in "The Queen."