BloguesRichard Martineau

Torture: ajout

Dans mon entrée précédente, je mentionnais un texte formidable qui a été publié dans le New Yorker, concernant la sous-traitance de la torture.

Je viens tout juste de tomber sur une entrevue avec Jane Mayer, la journaliste qui a pondu ce papier.

À lire pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent à cette question éthique.

Extrait de cet entretien:

"President Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales all made similar statements last month, asserting that not only does the United States condemn torture, it also does not send U.S.-held suspects to other countries for torture.
In reality, the record appears to be quite different.

Beginning around 1995, the Central Intelligence Agency inaugurated a form of extradition sometimes referred to as "extraordinary rendition," in which captured foreign terrorism suspects have been transported by the U.S. to third countries for interrogation and prosecution.
The former C.I.A. director George Tenet estimated that between the time the program started and 2001 there were some seventy renditions.

Most experts suggest that since the Bush Administration launched the global war on terrorism after the attacks of September 11, 2001, that number has grown dramatically."