BloguesRichard Martineau

Une pilule, une p’tite granule

MARC-ANDRÉ LACOMBE m'a envoyé ce lien qui mène vers un site regroupant des professionnels du milieu de la santé (médecins, infirmiers, dentistes, pharmaciens) qui critiquent le manque d'éthique des grosses compagnies pharmaceutiques.

Comme vous le savez sûrement, ces compagnies offrent souvent des voyages gratuits (et autres cadeaux) aux médecins, afin de les encourager à "pousser" leurs produits auprès de leurs patients. Une pratique particulièrement immorale.

Voici des extraits de ce site super intéressant:

"We are health care providers – physicians, pharmacists, nurses, dentists, among others – who believe that pharmaceutical promotion should not guide clinical practice, and that over-zealous promotional practices can lead to bad patient care. It is our goal to encourage health care practitioners to provide high quality care based on unbiased evidence rather than on biased pharmaceutical promotion. (…)

We believe that there is ample evidence in the literature – contrary to the beliefs of most heath care providers – that drug companies, by means of samples, gifts, and food, exert significant influence on provider behavior. There is also ample evidence in the literature that promotional materials and presentations are often biased and non-informative. We believe that health care professionals, precisely because they are professionals, should not allow themselves to be bought by the pharmaceutical industry. It is time to Just say no to drug reps and their pens, pads, calendars, coffee mugs, and of course, lunch (not to mention dinners, basketball games, and ski vacations)."