Thomas Friedman, l'excellent chroniqueur du New York Times, a écrit un texte important, aujourd'hui. ("If it's a Muslim Problem, It Nedds a Muslim solution")
En voici des extraits (merci à Benoit Laurin pour m'avoir envoyé cet édito):
Yesterday's bombings in downtown London are profoundly disturbing.
The attacks are disturbing because when jihadist bombers take their madness into the heart of our open societies, our societies are never again quite as open.
But maybe the most important aspect of the London bombings is this: When jihadist-style bombings happen in Riyadh, that is a Muslim-Muslim problem. That is a police problem for Saudi Arabia. But when Al-Qaeda-like bombings come to the London Underground, that becomes a civilizational problem. Every Muslim living in a Western society suddenly becomes a suspect, becomes a potential walking bomb. And when that happens, it means Western countries are going to be tempted to crack down even harder on their own Muslim populations.
That, too, is deeply troubling. The more Western societies look on their own Muslims with suspicion, the more internal tensions this creates, and the more alienated their already alienated Muslim youth become. This is exactly what Osama bin Laden dreamed of with 9/11: to create a great gulf between the Muslim world and the globalizing West.
Because there is no obvious target to retaliate against, and because there are not enough police to police every opening in an open society, either the Muslim world begins to really restrain, inhibit and denounce its own extremists OR THE WEST IS GOING TO DO IT FOR THEM (c'est moi qui souligne).
And the West will do it in a rough, crude way – by simply shutting them out, denying them visas and making every Muslim in its midst guilty until proven innocent.
And because I think that would be a disaster, it is essential that the Muslim world wake up to the fact that it has a jihadist death cult in its midst. If it does not fight that death cult, that cancer, within its own body politic, it is going to infect Muslim-Western relations everywhere. Only the Muslim world can root out that death cult.
The double-decker buses of London and the subways of Paris, as well as the covered markets of Riyadh, Bali and Cairo, will never be secure as long as the Muslim village and elders do not delegitimize, condemn and isolate the extremists in their midst."
Ça, c'est ce que j'appelle un texte!
Pendant ce temps, Présence Musulmane Canada émet un communiqué.