On entend souvent des musulmans dire que la religion ne joue aucun rôle dans les attentats d'Al Quaida, que tout ça est le résultat de tensions politiques, que ça n'a rien à voir avec l'Islam.
Or, sur la page couverture de l'hebdomadaire anglais The New Statesman, aujourd'hui, le docteur Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, directeur du Muslim Institute, affirme que "l'Islam a TOUT à voir avec ces attentats".
"The terrorists are using Islamic sources to justify their actions, dit-il. How can one then say it has nothing to do with Islam?"
Voici un extrait de ce texte super important, voire ESSENTIEL:
As a Muslim, I am deeply upset by the attacks, the more so now I know they were the work of British Muslims. But, as a Muslim, I also have a duty to recognise the Islamic nature of the problem that the terrorists have thrown up. They are acting in the name of my religion; it thus becomes my responsibility critically to examine the tradition that sustains them. The question of violence per se is not unique to Islam. All those who define themselves as the totality of a religion or an ideology have an innate tolerance for and tendency towards violence. It is the case in all religions and all ideologies down through every age. But this does not lessen the responsibility on Muslims in Britain, or around the world, to be judicious, to examine themselves, their history and all it contains to redeem Islam from the pathology of this tradition. The terrorists place a unique burden on Muslims. To deny that they are a product of Islamic history and tradition is more than complacency. It is a denial of responsibility, a denial of what is really happening in our communities. It is a refusal to live in the real world.
Merci à David Pinto pour m'avoir fait parvenir ce texte.