BloguesRichard Martineau

L’enfer des devoirs

Le hasard fait drôlement les choses. Juste comme je parlais de la surcharge des devoirs, le webzine SALON publie justement un texte passionnant sur le sujet: HOMEWORK HELL (L'enfer des devoirs).
À lire absolument, pour tous les parents qui en ont ras le bol de passer deux heures chaque soir à faire des devoirs avec leurs enfants…


"Today's 7-year-olds must do interviews, look through thousands of words, and answer 60 math questions in four minutes. This homework mania doesn't teach kids anything except that life is full of pain. (…)

I hate homework. I hate it more now than I did when I was the one lugging textbooks and binders back and forth from school. The hour my children are seated at the kitchen table, their books spread out before them, the crumbs of their after-school snack littering the table, is without a doubt the worst hour of my day. If my son Zeke's teacher, a delightful and intelligent woman, were to walk through my kitchen door between 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. on a weekday, I could not guarantee her safety."