Lu sur le webzine Slate:
"British experts suggest China may be executing prisoners to sell their organs.
China executed at least 3,400 people last year, more than any other country. Human Rights Watch previously said China had harvested as many as 3,000 organs from executed inmates each year.
Last month, China admitted that organs had been taken from some prisoners without pre-execution consent, but it claimed that this practice was illegal and rare.
Now the British Transplantation Society says 1) evidence suggests organs "in the thousands" are being taken without consent of prisoners or their families; 2) the transactions "involve payment of money and may implicate . patients and the authorities and judiciary responsible for the prisoners"; and 3) according to a BTS official, "It almost sounds as though the timing of an execution is at the convenience of the timing of a transplant."
Bon… Encore les méchants chinois vs les bons américains.
Sans commentaires.
Ps. Désolé mais j’ai dela difficulté à prendre ce qui vient des USA pour du cash.
C’est bien triste.
J’ai l’impression que je devrai me fier a mon hebdo de quartier maintenant.
Je ne crois pas à une conspiration américaine anti-chinoise. Le Monde relate dans un article de sa section « Horizon » le commerce d’organes en Chine.
Faites vite, les textes disparaissent vite du site du Monde:,1-0@2-3230,36-764748,0.html