BloguesRichard Martineau

Faites POUSSER votre viande!

Bientôt, au lieu de tuer des animaux pour nous nourrir, nous pourrons cultiver de la viande in vitro!

One novel line of research is to produce meat in vitro, in a cell culture, rather than from an animal. The production of such "cultured meat" begins by taking a number of cells from a farm animal and proliferating them in a nutrient-rich medium.

Cells are capable of multiplying so many times in culture that, in theory, a single cell could be used to produce enough meat to feed the global population for a year.

After the cells are multiplied, they are attached to a sponge-like "scaffold" and soaked with nutrients. They may also be mechanically stretched to increase their size and protein content.

The resulting cells can then be harvested, seasoned, cooked, and consumed as a boneless, processed meat, such as sausage, hamburger, or chicken nuggets.

Bref, on pourra être carnivore tout en respectant les principes du végétarisme!