BloguesRichard Martineau

Coup de cochon


Un lecteur, P. Caza, m'a envoyé cette nouvelle ahurissante.

Piglet keeps Pooh off air

From: Reuters
TURKEY'S public television TRT, controlled by the Islamist-rooted government, has barred the popular Walt Disney cartoon Winnie the Pooh from air because it has a piglet as one of its main heroes, the Turkish press reported today.
Several other cartoons featuring pigs also failed to win the green light from TRT management, according to the left-wing Cumhuriyet daily.

The station initially considered scissoring the scenes showing Piglet, but abandoned the idea because the small pink-skinned character, one of Winnie the Pooh's closest friends, appeared too often, Cumhuriyet and the mass-circulation Sabah newspaper said.

TRT officials were not immediately available for comment.

Pigs are regarded as unclean by Muslims and Islam prohibits the consumption of pork.

On a censuré Winnie the Pooh, parce que son copain est un cochon (Cochonnet), et que pour les musulmans, le cochon est un animal sale.

Et pendant ce temps-là, on dit que les États-Unis sont un pays fasciste…