Le magazine The Nation publie un texte très intéressant sur la présence américaine en Irak. Ça risque de durer beaucoup plus longtemps que prévu… (Note: vous devez vous abonner à The Nation pour pouvoir lire le texte…)
Among the many secrets the American government cannot keep, one of its biggest (104 acres) and most expensive ($592 million) is the American Embassy being built in Baghdad. Surrounded by fifteen-foot-thick walls, almost as large as the Vatican on a scale comparable to the Mall of America, to which it seems to have a certain spiritual affinity, this is no simple object to hide.
So you think the Bush Administration is planning on leaving Iraq? Read on.
The Chicago Tribune reports, "Trucks shuttle building materials to and fro. Cranes, at least a dozen of them, punch toward the sky. Concrete structures are beginning to take form. At a time when most Iraqis are enduring blackouts of up to 22 hours a day, the site is floodlighted by night so work can continue around the clock." (…)
There will soon be twenty-one buildings, 619 apartments with very fancy digs for the big shots, restaurants, shops, gym facilities, a swimming pool, a food court, a beauty salon, a movie theater (we can't say if it's a multiplex) and, as the Times of London reports, "a swish club for evening functions." This should be ideal for announcing the various new milestones marking the trudge of the Iraqi people toward democracy and freedom.
USA Today has learned that the "massive new embassy, being built on the banks of the Tigris River, is designed to be entirely self-sufficient and won't be dependent on Iraq's unreliable public utilities." Thus, there will be no reason or excuse for any of the thousands of Americans working in this space, which is about the size of eighty football fields, to share the daily life experience of an Iraqi or even come in accidental contact with one.
(Merci à P. Caza)
Comme s’il n’y avait pas assez d’innocentes victimes comme ça ! Même quand Bush partira, ça va continuer. Ça fait frémir.
Mais ils n’ont jamais pensé que cet édifice pourrait être détruit par une de leurs bombes ou une arme de destruction massive engendrée par leur propre guerre ? Il y a des attentats tous les jours. Et cette guerre dite « préventive » a engendré plein de terroristes.
Et l’amour, lui ? Le rôle des politiciens n’est-il pas celui d’améliorer le sort du monde ? Qu’attendent-ils pour donner l’exemple ?