BloguesRichard Martineau

Israël: une stratégie stupide et dangereuse

Sur son blogue, la columnist américaine Arianna Huffington dit que la stratégie adoptée par Israël est catastrophique, car elle pousse les modérés dans les bras du Hezbollah.

Israël a le droit de se défendre, dit-elle, mais il le fait mal.

There's no question that Israel has the moral right to defend itself against a fanatical terrorist organization that seeks to destroy it. But, as I've asked before, does Israel want to be right or does it want to win? And can victory be defined as anything other than the ability of Israel to guarantee the security and safety of its people?

Ultimately, the long-term security of Israel depends on isolating and marginalizing the vile, violent extremists in the region from the rest of the Arab and Muslim world. As Prager wrote in a recent column, not every Arab or every Muslim is an enemy of Israel. But Israel's current tactics are pushing more and more Middle East moderates to embrace the extremists.