BloguesRichard Martineau

Une autre attaque raciste contre les Québécois

Comme vous le savez, Jan Wong, chroniqueuse au Globe and Mail, a écrit que la tuerie du Collège Dawson a été causée par la loi 101, une loi étouffante qui aliène les membres des communautés ethniques…

Ce genre de propos vous met en furie?

Eh bien, attachez votre tuque avec de la broche et allez voir ce site.

Il a été mis sur pied par des anglos qui DÉTESTENT le Québec et les Canadiens de Montréal.

Voici ce qu'on peut y lire dans la section WHY HATE QUEBEC

1) Quebecers are extremely ungrateful towards the rest of the country. Canada subsidizes them, Canada let's them develop and administer their own language laws; Canada never forces them to be fiscally responsible. So how does Quebec repay the country they live in? By bashing Canada and burning the Canadian flag as well as constantly threatening to separate.

2) Separatist bastards: Imagine if say Maryland decided they wanted to separate from the United States and form their own country but demanded the funding and salaries for those involved to be paid by the US government and furthermore be able to sit congress in as an official party with the Democrats, Republicans, and Green party with the sole ambition of separating their state from the rest. The politicians involved would likely be tried and convicted of treason and rightfully so! Yet here in Canada we have the Bloc Quebecois which does nothing but attempt to separate themselves from the remainder of the country at the expense of Federal tax dollars. And these frogs get the same perks and privileges from the House of Commons as the Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, NDP, and Green Party.

4) Quebec worships France and would love to separate from Canada to join France, yet France despises Quebec, considering them cheap imitators who butcher their language.

6) Quebecers are the worst drivers in Canada by far. In Quebec you can't even turn right on a red light since Frenchies can't handle that responsibility (several accidents happen in Quebec because they can't grasp the concept of looking before turning.)

8) Hypocrisy: French Canadians are generally quite racist.

11) The Quebec education system is pushing for Arabic to displace English as the second language taught in schools.

Bref, du pure délire. Encore une fois.
